Make life greener with houseplants!

Make life greener with houseplants!

Studies have shown that houseplants are hugely beneficial to health – they improve concentration and productivity, purify the air and boost mood – as well as adding some calming colour to an indoor space. Read about the key features of these stunning houseplants to find the perfect one for you and make your life greener!

Monstera deliciosa – Swiss cheese plant

  • Also called Swiss cheese plant due to its characteristic holes in its leaves.
  • Prefers a warm, bright room, avoiding direct sunlight on the leaves that can cause them to turn yellow.
  • Allow compost to dry out slightly between watering.
  • Clean its leaves occasionally with a plant leaf wipe. Not only does this help prevent diseases, it also helps show off its impressive foliage.
  • When plants reach over 3 feet support with a moss pole or bamboo cane, as they have a tendency to grow upwards.

Ficus benjamina – Weeping Fig

  • One of the most popular houseplants in the world, due it making a beautiful corner plant or large indoor tree.
  • Needs good indoor light, with ideally some direct morning light.
  • Heavy feeders so needs regular feeding during the summer.
  • Can be either be kept small by regular pruning or can be left to grow into impressive specimens.
  • Plants can shed their leaves if moved to a new location, or when under stress.

Dracaena marginata – Madagascar Dragon Tree

  • Adding a contemporary look to any space, Dracaenas are easy to look after and very forgiving.
  • Grows well in medium light conditions and can tolerate a bit of shade.
  • Water only if top inch of soil has become dry.
  • If plants get too large, snip off the top. Although the bare stalks might look odd for a while, the plant will soon produce new shoots along the side of the cut.


  • Smooth, clean lines, are visually uncluttered and unfussy.
  • Very easy to look after.
  • Aloe Veras like to be dry and warm as they’re native to tropical areas. Allow the soil to dry out between watering.

Spathiphyllum – Peace Lily

  • Originally from the rainforests of South America.
  • Perfect for a light or shady spot.
  • Likes to have wet feet, so give it plenty of water.
  • Will keep producing its white flowers throughout the year, particularly if you remove the old flowers when they turn green.
  • NASA has identified them as one of the best plants for removing impurities and toxins from the air, leaving healthier air for you to breathe.

Schefflera – Umbrella plant

  • Easy to grow.
  • Can be left to grow into a tall and elegant plant to fill a corner, or kept clipped short and bushy to live on a table or desk.
  • Asks for very little attention, but will be at its best if you water it once or twice a week, and give it a feed with a houseplant fertilizer once a month.
  • Happy in sun or shade.

Phalaenopsis – Moth Orchid

  • Beautiful butterfly-shaped flowers which last for months
  • Available in a wide range of colours and patterns, often spotty or stripey
  • Likes a bright spot out of direct sun
  • Water by dunking roots in rain or filtered water every week.
  • Happiest if you can mist it regularly, particularly when the central heating is on over Winter.

Sansevieria – Mother-in-law’s tongue

  • Virtually indestructible.
  • Loves dry heat, so copes really well with central heating and generally being left to its own devices.
  • Striking architectural good looks.
  • One of the best plants for adding oxygen into your home.


  • Easy to grow.
  • Beautiful lush leaves, with a wide range of textures depending on the type of fern, from the frilly Bostons to the delicate Maidenhairs.
  • Best out of direct sunlight and prefer a damp soil.
  • Mist your fern regularly as they like a humid environment – great for kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Great at oxygenating your home.

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