February Gardening Jobs
Spring is just around the corner so make the most of fine days to get outside and start on your new garden!
- If it’s sunny, prepare your beds and borders for planting by digging in fresh compost and manure to enrich the soil.
- Don’t forget to look after your garden birds! February can be one of the toughest months for our feathered friends, so visit our bird care department for advice on who eats what.
- Plant soft fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, redcurrants and blackcurrants in a sunny spot.
- Prune hardy evergreen trees and shrubs while they’re still dormant – this will promote strong growth and help stop diseases taking hold.
Our pick of plants that are looking good in the garden this month
Winter Colour Collection
Cordyline, Choisya, Camelia, Hellebore.
These plants have been selected to add colour and interest to a normally dreary time of year. Even though deciduous plants lose all their leaves, some species have coloured stems or unusual growth habits, adding architectural interest to beds, borders and containers.
Evergreen shrubs will hold onto their leaves throughout Winter, with glossy leaved varieties looking particularly good in Winter. Some plants’ habit is to flower very early, almost seeming out of season. Deciduous plants will flower on bare stems, highlighting their showy flowers.

A collection of deciduous shrubs grown for their highly scented, showy white to soft pink flowers born on bare stems.
- ‘Viburnum x burkwoodii’ are semi-evergreen. they produce showy buds in Winter and scented flowers in March.
- ‘Viburnum x bodnantense’ produce large, scented showy flowers.
- All varieties produce foliage with rich Autumn colour.
- Plant near walkways where the blooms can be enjoyed most

One of the most popular Winter and Spring flowering, evergreen shrubs. Produces large, rose-like colourful flowers when little else is flowering.
- Grows very well in pots.
- Prune late Spring after flowering.
- Needs an ericaceous (acidic) soil to thrive.
- Protect overwintering buds from excessive frost.
- Produces its flower buds the previous Autumn, so don’t allow it to dry out.