The story of a Millbrook Christmas Tree

At Millbrook every Christmas tree has a story. Our plant team work hard to source the best quality, cut and potted trees we can, from the most sustainable suppliers. This year we’re working with three amazing growers from across the British Isles. Read on to find out where we source our premium trees, then pop in-store to choose your perfect Christmas centrepiece.

Super Premium Irish Trees

The Emerald Group in Ireland has been growing for over 30 years. They manage over 350 hectares of Christmas tree plantations and are the largest supplier of quality Christmas Trees across both Ireland and the UK. 

Our Super Premium Nordmanns are supplied by Emerald and they’re ‘super premium’ because they are the top 10% of trees handpicked from across their plantations. It can take up to 12 years to carefully nurture one of these luxury trees. The seedlings spend the first 3 years in a specialist nursery, prior to being planted in an Emerald Christmas tree plantation. From years 5 to 6 onwards, skilled staff start subtly hand-shaping the tree. By controlling its height and width, they help nature produce the perfect tree for your festive home. 

Emerald are committed to sustainable growing. They grow on agricultural land rather than felling in forests, and choose the most fertile soil to limit the need for fertilisers or chemicals. For every tree they cut, they plant at least one more and their plantations are habitats to a range of local wildlife and insects.  

Buy Super Premium, Cut Nordmann –  4,5,6,7 & 8ft, from £39.99. 

Locally Grown Trees, Kent and Surrey

With over 750,000 Christmas trees growing on their farms in Surrey and Sittingbourne, H A Trim is very much a local, family-run business. Husband and wife team Hans and Julie are passionate about trees and the environment. Their range of local Nordman Firs are grown without pesticides, and once the trees are felled they plant clover, alongside wildflowers, to attract bees and other pollinators.  

When a Christmas Tree is cut down, it's replaced by another seedling, with up to 10 trees being planted for every average size tree that is grown. H A Trim’s plantations are a haven for wildlife including deer, rabbits, badgers, field mice, dormice, snakes, frogs, insects and birds.  

H A Trim are currently taking part in a nationwide project to determine the CO2 footprint of a UK Grown Christmas Tree, to help the public make more informed and sustainable choices when choosing their festive tree.  

Buy Local, Cut Nordmann - 5 & 6ft. From £49.99. 

British Grown and Potted Trees

Grown in plantations across the UK, our Premium Cut Norway Spruce, and all our pot grown trees, are supplied by Lovinia nurseries. Lovinia is one of our most trusted and longstanding growers. They buy their tree seedlings from sustainable plantations and only grow on agricultural land, ensuring 1.5 trees are planted for everyone harvested. 

As a grower they follow a strict traceability process - going above the Defra and Forestry commission recommendations. Every tree is traced from the plantation, through the harvest process to its final delivery point.  Plant passports are applied, and inspections carried out for all pot grown trees and 3m plus trees. 

Their pot grown trees are grown in 10l root system pots that allow the feeder roots to protrude out of the pot, while containing the main root within. This ensures they can better root growth when they are moved to their new home. The biodegradable netting on all their trees is also recyclable. It trialled for the first time last year with great success, winning the new product award at the GLEE show for green innovation. 

  • Buy Premium, Cut Norway Spruce – 4,5,6 & 7ft, prices from £29.99. 
  • Buy Premium, Pot-Grown Nordmanns – 100, 120 & 15cm, from £49.99. 
  • Buy Premium, Pot-Grown Norway Spruce – 100, 120 & 15cm, from £39.99. 

Visit in-store to pick your perfect tree! For more information on pricing and types of tree available click here.

Where to next?

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